First steps in JournalAI

1. Connect your website

  1. Initial step is to connect your website to JournalAI. To do that you must go to the top, in settings (icon next to the bell) to My Webs.
  2. On the right side, there is a button to download the connection plugin that you must install on your WordPress. Install and activate the plugin.
  3. Enter the URL of your website in the format (Do not use https or www).
  4. Enter the user of your WordPress account (Must be a user with Admin Role)
  5. Enter your WordPress user password
  6. Press ADD
  7. Once added, it will appear at the bottom and press the TEST button. If it is correct, a message will appear at the top of the screen indicating that the connection is ready.

2. Connect the APIs


1. At the top, under settings (icon next to the bell) go to Settings. You will see 2 API’s that you must add.

2. SerpApi is a Google API that validates that the content is real and compares it with similar sources so that there is no duplicate content. You must create your account in

3. Once created, in the left menu press API KEY and copy the complete number.

4. Paste the code in the SERPAPI field in JournalAI.

5. Then press UPDATE to save the API.

(The Api is free for 100 validations per month. If you write more than 100 articles or add images or videos to the articles, it is necessary to activate a plan in SerpApi).

ChatGPT 4 Api

  1. The second API is the ChatGPT API (it is not the same as the premium plan of To create the API go to the link
  2. Once the account is created, in menu go to settings and then to billing or in the following link
  3. Add a payment card and charge 10 USD. With this charge the GPT 4 version is activated for the Api. More details in the following link:
  4. Once purchased the credit, in the menu go to API KEYS or the following link and create a new API on the button + CREATE NEW SECRET KEY
  5. Copy and paste the code in JournalAI.
  6. Press UPDATE which is just below the field where the API is pasted.


Prompts are the heart of JournalAI. Here we leave open the option for each user to customize the writing style, language, formatting and everything you want to ask the AI to write your article.

We separate the prompt into 3 sections: Title, Content and Summary.
The title only creates the title of the article.
The content is where you write the article according to the style and format you set.

The excerpt is the summary of your article that Google uses to position it and is also used if you want to publish the link of the publication in Social Networks.

There are example prompts that are in the blue button at the top right that says PRE-BUILD PROMPTS. Pressing the blue button opens the prompt detail and you can add it to your prompts by pressing ADD TO MY PROMPT where you can edit it later.

  • The prompts guide ChatGPT to use it as the writer of your article.
  • The [content] variable is where SerpApi sends all the base content of the article, analysis and verification for ChatGPT to write.


  • The [image1] variable SerpApi adds an image inside the blog article. If you add this variant in the prompt, the recommendation is to use it as follows (Add this image: [image2] after the 3rd paragraph and you must insert it in HTML embed format).
  • You can add up to 2 images per article with the variants [image1] and [image2].


  • The [video1] variant adds a YouTube video to your article. Based on the title it searches for a YouTube video and adds it to your article. If you add this variant in the prompt, the recommendation is to use it in the following way (Add this video: [video1] at the end of the article and you must insert it in HTML embed format.) This way it will not use weight on your hosting.
  • You can add up to 2 videos per article with the variants [video1] and [video2].
  • Each image and video is considered as one more search performed by SerpApi, so you must take it into account if you use the free plan of 100.

Example: If you add 2 images and 1 video to an article, the article will have performed approximately 3 validations per article.


  • Search for an RSS feed. You can manually search for an RSS feed from a website (We leave you an explanatory video and a chrome extension) or you can use the RSS.APP app where you can create custom RSS feeds based on keywords.
  • Validate the RSS feed in the TEST FEED menu.
  • Select the Prompt
  • Select the Status of the article (Leave as draft or published)
  • Select the Target Web
  • Select the Author
  • Select the Category
  • Enter the frequency in minutes that JournalAI will check for new content in the RSS feed (minimum 5 minutes).
  • Label: This is a label that you can use internally to know which feed it is.
  • Auto Thumbnail searches with SERPAPI for a cover image for the article and if not found, generates a cover with ChatGPT.
  • Press the CREATE CAMPAIGN button
  • If you have any questions you can write to support at the following link

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